Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday evening, Feb. 25

Okay, so in all these he is like looking around and alert. I know they all look kinda the same, but he has to have at least 400 pictures taken by 6 weeks....didn't ya know that?

Saturday, Feb 24

oops....fussy baby!!!!!

4 days old and finally at home....

Pictures from Friday, 2/23

grammie with riley and then some pictures of him all by himself!!!

Pictures from Thursday 2/22/07

Still in the hospital... in his bassinett and with his daddy....

Monday, Feb 26

Well, I finally have some time to get some pictures posted. I am going to post them by date they were taken. It's been quite crazy and I am way behind! At least I've still been snapping the shutter!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday Morning

I really know why most women over 40 don't choose to "start" a family.... I spent last night with momma and baby and am absolutely exhausted. But don't let me fool you, we had a pretty daggone good night. I'm just old, that's all.

Don't have any new pics yet today. I left my camera at the hospital and told Tommy to take a bunch of pictures. I have come home for awhile to take Ben to school late (he's got that cold) and take Kassie to the rink. Then, I'm coming home for a nice "long winter's nap"!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pics of Riley

Here are finally some pictures of the baby. I have tried all day to get an internet connection. They have one at the hospital, or so they advertise. Then I went to Starbucks....they charge finally I am back home for awhile. All these posts are getting out of order because for some reason "Google" is on PST and not EST!